1st Dyl Cabinet

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Revision as of 21:50, 20 December 2020 by Lawrencedepe (talk | contribs)
Term Chronology
Previous1st Kavagrad Cabinet
1st Dyl Cabinet
Vice SecretaryArgentigrad
Start14 December 2020
End14 March 2021

The 1st Dyl Cabinet was formed from the election of the Secretary at the December 2020 general election. This consists of the Secretary, Vice Secretary, and Ministers of Community Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Information, Recruitment, and Roleplay. Each is serving a three-month term from December 2020 to March 2021.

The current members of the 1st Dyl Cabinet are Secretary Dyl, Vice Secretary Argentigrad, Minister of Community Affairs Wascoitan, Minister of Foreign Affairs New Samon, Minister of Information Vandensia, Minister of Recruitment Help Me Take Over The World Please, and Minister of Roleplay Podria.


The Secretary was elected on 14 December 2020. The following timeline commences on 18 December 2020, which is when the Cabinet confirmation vote concluded.

Date 18 December
Secretary Dyl
Vice Secretary Argentigrad
Minister of Community Affairs Wascoitan
Minister of Foreign Affairs New Samon
Minister of Information Vandensia
Minister of Recruitment Help Me Take Over The World Please
Minister of Roleplay Podria



The following were the results of the confidence votes on Secretary Dyl's initial appointees to the Cabinet:

Position Appointee Result
Vice Secretary Argentigrad 28-1 (5)*
Minister of Community Affairs Wascoitan 29-2 (5)
Minister of Foreign Affairs New Samon 34-1 (1)
Minister of Information Vandensia 33-0 (3)
Minister of Recruitment Help Me Take Over The World Please 20-8 (8)
Minister of Roleplay Podria 32-2 (2)

* Due to an error, this poll was initially absent on the voting form, leading to 2 fewer votes being cast after it was corrected.

As a result, all six appointees were confirmed to their posts.