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Podria ran into controversy after requesting a copy of the social Discord's server template from Head Admin Llorens to begin work on the idea of consolidating the social, government, and roleplay servers of The Leftist Assembly into one large server. Following the Discord Admin Team's unilateral rejection of the proposal and refusal to provide the server template to the government, Secretary Greylyn and Vice Secretary Podria appealed to the [[18th Supreme Court]], arguing that the Discord server is an extension of The Leftist Assembly's community and was thus accountable to the government. The Supreme Court returned a verdict that the government did not have inherent jurisdiction over the administration of the Discord server, but could extend its jurisdiction to the server through legislation.
Following this Supreme Court ruling, Podria began drafting legislation to formally bring the Discord server under the control of the government and also attempted to garner public support for establishing government control over the Discord server. They engaged in heated debates with several members of the Discord Admin Team and other members of the regional community and during these debates accused the Discord Admin Team of capitalistbeing sympathiesautocratic and beingreactionary autocratic,and likeningencouraged Adminssome Llorens, Hecknamistan, andof Kavagradthem to monarchsresign. These harsh words were met by severe backlash from the regional community with a joint statement from the Discord Admin Team opposing Podria's statements and a later statement from Secretary Greylyn denouncing Podria's conduct during the debates. A vote of no confidence was triggered on 25 July 2020, with Vice Secretary Podria voluntarily resigning from all government posts that same day.
Podria took a hiatus from government for the following months, returning as Minister of Roleplay in the [[1st Kavagrad Cabinet]] and later being elected as Member of the General Assembly in the [[December 2020 general election]]. They continued to serve in government as Minister of Roleplay, Member of the General Assembly, Speaker, Minister of Community Affairs, Interim Backup Founder, and Ambassador. They briefly moved their primary region of residence to The Social Liberal Union following the Great Departure in January of 2021, disapproving of Llorens' dismissal of Hecknamistan and worrying about the future of the region. They returned primary residence to The Leftist Assembly in March of 2021 to contest against incumbent Secretary Dyl in the [[March 2021 general election]]. They once again took a brief hiatus from June to August of 2021 during which they held no elected positions. They then ran for Member of the General Assembly in the [[January 2022 legislative election]], serving as Speaker for the first half of the [[24th General Assembly]] before passing off the position to their Deputy Speaker, The Grand Union Kingdom.
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