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[https://www.nationstates.net/nation=podria Podria] is a nation in the Leftist Assembly. Its wiki page is currently in progress. The mess that is its current page can be found below:
{{User Sandbox}}
{{Infobox country
| native_name = <small>''Uu Podri a Peba Prulrespublikane''</small>
| conventional_long_name = United People's Republics of Podria
| national_motto = ''Kobat Libik ua, Kompia''<br />{{small|"Solidarity, Liberty, and Revolution"}}
| national_anthem = ''Uu Kanit Pebalanad''<br />{{small|The Internationale}}
| capital = Podridia
| largest_city = capital
| official_languages = Podrian, Jiharyan
| religion = 57.2% Atheist/Areligious<br>29.1% Classical Murisian<br>1.4% Neo-Exodian<br>12.3% Other<br>
| demonym = Podrian
| government_type = Confederal Marxist-Leninist Multi-Party Socialist Republic
| leader_title1 = Supreme Prime Minister
| leader_name1 = Fieg Jaffré
| leader_title2 = Prime Minister
| leader_name2 = Alèthe Le Tallec
| leader_title3 = Deputy Prime Minister
| leader_name3 = Epatus Ho
| leader_title4 = President Officer
| leader_name4 = Gwenn Abgrall
| leader_title5 = Chair of the Assembly
| leader_name5 = Hatto Toullec
| legislature = National People's Assembly
| population_estimate = 3,629,997,802
| population_census = 3,610,804,277
| population_estimate_year = 2020
| population_census_year = 2015
| area_km2 = 23,804,602
| currency = None<br>{{small|Podrian State Credit used for travelers abroad}}
| drives_on = right
| calling_code = +859
| area_rank =
| GDP_PPP_year =
| HDI =
| HDI_year =
| today =
'''Podria''', or the '''United People's Republics of Podria''' is a large socialist nation composed of 420 representative districts, 82 special districts, 8 constituent nations, and various settlements and missions abroad. The territory of Podria covers the entire continent of Murisia, as well as the dwarf continents of Ahmnat, Jeitmud, and Terra Phaptumi, though the nation of Podria proper only inhabits Murisia and one district in Jeitmud. Over 70% of the population lives in the Podrian Taigas between the Karictic Ocean and Lurik Mountain Range, with the other 30% living across the rest.
== Etymology ==
The origin of the word Podria remains a mystery to historians and linguists to this day. While ties have been made to Romantic and Latin languages, there is no historical evidence that Podria comes from the Latin word for power, ''potis''. Some scholars believe that it may come from the old Murisian God of Labour, Peridaa.
== History ==
=== Prehistory ===
Podrian lands, those being lands on Murisia, Ahmnat, Jeitmud, and Terra Phaptumi, were once part of the supercontinent of Falsplangia. After the ~400 BC eruption of the Jakhala supervolcano, Falsplangia split very rapidly over the course of ~100 years. The eruption left very fertile lands leading to an explosion of plant life and the increase in animal life. This very fertile, dense, and diverse ecosystem was able to prosper and thrive in the new climates.
Humans are estimated to have first settled Podrian lands between 200 and 300 AD, arriving on the eastern coasts by boat from the continent of Nariasia. Settlements from other locations happened sporadically up until the mid 1000s AD, with major arrivals around 450 AD, 520 AD, 570 AD, and 650 AD. These arrivals are known to have been the origins of the Key 5 Tribes of Podria.
=== Pre-Exodian Times ===
For many years, the lands of Podria were inhabited and controlled by five different tribes, the Krav, Üntklatz, Meihk, Jhiyart, and Hilvatuß. These tribes rarely interacted with each other, and for many years, remained simple societies, failing to discover technologies such as masonry, metal working, and archery. Records and carbon-dating suggest that in roughly 780 AD, the Jhiyart rapidly discovered technologies such as iron tools, complex machinery, and gunpowder. Whether or not these discoveries were influenced by outside powers remains unknown, but many of these technologies stem back to one woman named Ehria Vraiser. This rapid increase of technological advancement led to the Key 5 Tribal Meetings, during which the Key 5 Tribes met multiple times and made deals and agreements which led to the Old Tribal Confederation, a multi-tribal organisation that was largely dominated by the Jhiyart.
=== Exodian Invasion and Colonization ===
[[File:Fight of the Poursuivante mp3h9426.jpg|alt=A colonial battle ship approaches the Podrian coast|thumb|A painting by Hulit Aamaa of an Exodian ship approaching Murisian shores]]
Exodian explorers and surveyors first discovered Murisia in late July of 1604 and noted that the continent was rich in various resources such as gold, oil, fertile land, and slaves. After presentation to the High Emperor, colonial fleets were dispatched to colonize the various continents of Podria. This led to the War of Podrian Submission during which the Old Tribal Confederation mobilized a people's militia to attempt to combat the Exodian invaders. This war was quick fought, lasting exactly six weeks, leading to the capitulation of the Old Tribal Confederation on 12 January, 1605.
After the capitulation, Exodia formed the Imperial Crown Protectorate of Colonial Murisia and occupied the lands. Exodia used Murisia as a cash colony and violently and rapidly exported various natural and slave resources back to the Exodian homeland. During the Exodian-Tasmanian War, many Podrian men were abducted and forced to fight in the trenches of the war, leading to a severe gender disparity, still seen to this day. During the Exodian Times, it is estimated that nearly 750,000,000 Podrians were enslaved, mutilated, or killed.
=== Fourth of May Revolution ===
Throughout Exodian Colonial time, a guerilla paramilitary organization known as the Confederal Remnant Army (CRA) carried out multiple insurgent attacks on Exodian officials, buildings, and forces. While for many years, under the leadership of Karten Meril, the CRA remained a small group of activists, when Jamad Ahbun took on the role of Commander, an extensive recruitment and radicalization campaign was undertaken, leading to a massive influx of recruits ready to strike at the colonial oppressors. Multiple large scale attacks were executed under Ahbun, most notably the New Years Bombings, during which the Crown Prince of Exodia was severely injured and permanently disabled in a massive bombing campaign of Altat, the colonial capital. These attacks were massively popular among the Podrian populace, and only increased the numbers of the CRA.
Between late March and early May, CRA administrators worked in secret on a plan to arm the Podrian people and begin a revolution across Murisia. Foreign aid was received in large quantities from sympathetic powers, especially Cedoria and Greylyn. This aid was both material goods such as food, weapons, armor; as well as in the form of training, reconnaissance, and information. This aid in combination with the massive popular support empowered CRA administrators to move in a bold fashion and plan to carry out much larger scales of operations.
On May 4th 1919, revolutionaries and insurgents across Murisia took up arms against and combated their Exodian masters. Despite the significant technological and organizational advantage of the Exodian military, the use of guerilla tactics and sabotage by the CRA inflicted massive causalities on Exodian forces. Within the first few weeks, upwards of 3,000 Exodian footmen were killed by the CRA, with only 189 Podrian revolutionaries killed. Despite these massive gains by Podrian forces, the Exodian Imperial Army would land a large occupation and assault force to suppress this slave riot
=== War of Podrian Independence ===
[[File:Battle Sarikamis winter gear.png|thumb|CRA Soldiers preparing themselves before the Battle of Mullsport ]]
Three days after the Fourth of May Revolution, Exodian reinforcements arrived on Murisia with orders to occupy and pacify the colony. These reinforcements swept across the colony and enforced harsh punishments on the people of Murisia. The initial gains of territory and resources made by the CRA were quickly lost as heavy tanks and mechanised infantry. Countless revolutionaries including a large portion of the CRA leadership were executed or enslaved by Exodia. After the intial occupation, Exodian and CRA forces found themselves at a stalemate. CRA forces had suffered massive losses in manpower and material resources, but were still able to perform hit-and-run attacks on Exodian forces. Exodian forces were able to get to a position of dominance, but could not eliminate renegade groups loyal to the CRA, or locate the chief leadership of the CRA to execute them.
This led to a scenario where the CRA couldn't make lasting gains, and Exodia was spending significant funds on keeping control over the colony. This stalemate caused a very prolonged war of attrition during which potential hundreds of thousands of Podrians were massacred and starved, while Exodian forces suffered constant bombings, raids, and assassinations. This war of attrition was very taxing on both parties. The upkeep of the colony was beginning to outweigh the economy for the Exodians, and CRA leadership was becoming unpopular due to the mounting losses of the Podrian people. This state of no-win lasted nearly six years, causing the deaths of millions of Podrian and Exodian alike.
Suddenly and unexpectedly, Exodian forces evacuated Murisia, as well as a number of other colonies on February 8th, 1938. The reason for this sudden and brash action is unknown, but evidence suggests that an uprising related to the increasing unpopularity of the monarchy, stemmed from the various slave rebellions drastically increasing taxes and conscription. This quick abandonment of Murisia left the old Exodian government buildings in tact, and usable by the CRA, now the Podrian Provisional Power. This also left a gross lack of resources, and gender disparity that would make re-population and re-development a difficult task.
=== The United People's Republics of Podria ===
After the retreat of Exodian forces and the end of the War of Podrian Independence, the Podrian Provisional Power took census and began to form a function a functioning government. Three factions came together in the Altat Governance Building to draft a constitution; the People's Power Bloc, the Conservative Capital Bloc, and the National Pride Bloc. The PPB had recieved an overwhelming majority in the parliament, garnering 83 out of the 100 seats, with the CCB getting 13 seats and the NPB getting 4. This mostly socialist government, with the popular support of the people was able to form a socialistic government and draft a socialistic constitution. <blockquote>
''"We, Assembled on behalf of the people of Podria on the fourth of May, nineteen thirty-eight, join to build and foster a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We assemble to form a socialist republic to defend and represent all proletarians of Podria. We, with the grace and support of the people of Podria, do hereby consecrate and establish the United People's Republics of Podria"'' - The Preamble to the Constitutive Document </blockquote>
== Geography and Climate ==
=== Murisia ===
Murisia has an area of roughly 12,136,958 square kilometres, which is almost 80% of the entire area of Podria, and has very unique and diverse physical characteristics.The continent can be divided into five primary regions, the Podrian Taigas, the Lurik Mountain Range, the Central Steppes, the Kraven Plains, and the South-Arctic Desert. The Podrian Taigas are situated in between the Karictic Ocean and the Lurik Mountain Range and host of the majority of Podria's population and industry, housing just over 70% of its population and 65% of its GDP. It is a cold region with little topographical variation and forests increasing in density towards the Lurik Mountains. It has a Dfc type Köppen climate, and experiences long, dry, and frigid winters with short but intense summers with a regional average temperature of 3.4° Celsius.
The Lurik Mountain Range is a large and expansive mountain range that trisects the Murisian continent both geographically and meteorologically. The mountain range has a span of roughly 9,376 kilometres and covers an area of roughly 21,206 square kilometres. It is near completely uninhabited, mostly being populated at the bases of mountains and by military personnel. It has over 100 peaks, 4 of which are over 6,000 metres in height, and two of those over 7,000 metres in height, with the highest being Mount Pannal at 7,420 metres high
The Central Steppes is a small, but notable flat and cool grass lands directly to the East of the Lurick Mountains. A sparsely populated and
=== Ahmnat ===
=== Jeitmud ===
=== Terra Phaptumi ===
== Governmental and Political System ==
The United People's Republics of Podria is a confederal Marxist-Leninist multi-party socialist republic. It is defined constitutionally as a proletarian socialist republic, and follows Marxist-Leninist doctrine in its governance and policy. Globally, Podria is considered one of the most democratic and least corrupt nations and operates in a functional balance of direct and republican democracy. The government is run by a collective of administrative bodies with transparency and efficiency in mind. The de facto head of state is the Supreme Prime Minister, who serves as a facilitator and head chairman for all executive bodies and works closely with the legislative bodies.
=== Democracy and Political Parties ===
The United People's Republics of Podria is a representative democracy with strong elements of direct democracy. At the national level, the people are represented by a variety of different people, councils, and committees, but the main representative bodies are the National People's Assembly and the Assembly of Delegates. The National People's Assembly is a parliamentary body that uses a proportional representative system in which citizens vote for parties, which then appoint members to fill the seats allocated to the parties. Individuals may run in this election without a chartered party, but independents rarely win a seat. The Assembly of Delegates is composed of 1534 local delegates, elected within their local constituencies.
On the national level, elections are generally dominated by the Socialist Vanguard Party and People's Liberation Party, one of which typically gaining the plurality, then forming a majority government with one of the other three large leftist parties; the Green Socialist Party, Progressive Socialist Party, and Liberal Socialist Party. Up until the 2000 Assembly, Podria could be considered a one-party state, with the Podrian Communist People's Party typically gaining the vast majority of the seats due to their lack of serious leftist competition and the popularity of their policies. After the 1999 elections, the PCPP was dissolved into seven parties, the SVP, PLP, GSP, PSP, LSP, and the People's Market Party and Socialist National Party, both of which have since dissolved, joining the LSP and Podrian Populist Party respectively.
Elections take place each year for 1/2 of seats in the National People's Assembly and all seats in the Assembly of Delegates, making terms as an Assembly-person 2 years and as a Delegate 1 year. Typically, the Key Positions of the Central Committee (Supreme Prime Minister, Prime Minister, President Officer, and Deputy Prime Minister) are held for four year terms, with a four term limit at sixteen years. However, all positions are open to recall and are subject to yearly confirmation referendums.
== Economy ==
== Military ==
== Culture ==