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=== Law enforcement and criminal justice ===
Main Articles: [[Labuepé Police Service]] and [[Labuepé National Guard]]
The Law is enforced in Labuepé by the [[Labuepé Police Service]] (Labuepé Taipégoré Serqisé). It is a Unified National Police Service made up of 67 Police Districts and several specialist agencies, such as the [[Labuepé Ikalyohasia Yisunik Serqisé|Labuepé Criminal Investigation Service]] (Labuepé Ikalyohasia Yisunik Serqisé), known as LIYS1; and the [[Labuepé Ministry of Intelligence|Ministry of Intelligence]] (Labuepé Laomité de Ikuu), each headed by a Chief of Police. The Labuepé Police Service and LIYS1 are headed by the Ministry of Justice.
Labuepé'ée Police are usually only armed with [[TUNNGÉ-2017|T-2017]], a less-lethal [[W:Electroshock weapon|electroshock weapon]], and very rarely carry firearms or batons. They wear a dark blue uniform with a yellow vest. Labuepé'ée police cars are usually white with blue and yellow stripes, and are marked with the word Police (Taipégoré) in both Latin and Ahmaric scripts on both sides. Labuepé'ée police cars are usually from luxury brands, such as [[Zaléluw]] and [[Miimii Ayené Alwées Iskinder]], however unmarked cars tend to be from more cheaper brands, such as [[Étu Motors|Étu]] and cheaper options from Miimii Ayené Alwées Iskinder.
Labuepé abolished the death penalty for regular criminal acts in 1971.
Norwegian prisons are humane, rather than tough, with emphasis on rehabilitation.
=== Foreign relations ===
Main Article: [[LabuepéForeign Armedrelations Forcesof Labuepé]]
=== Military ===
Main Article: [[Labuepé Armed Forces]]
The Labuepé Armed Forces is lead by the Prime Minister, who also appoints the Commander General. The Commander General almost shares as much power as the Prime Minister, however, any major military action must be passed through parliament before being allowed to proceed.
The current Commander General is Ké.Kmdfb.Jys. [[David Bembowvowe Amhatariku|David B. Amhatariku]].
There are 4 branches of the armed forces which are used for active warfare, both offensive and defensive, while there are 2 branches that aren't used for active warfare. The 4 branches used for active warfare are made up of the [[Labuepé Army|Army]], [[Labuepé Marine Corps|Marine Corps]], [[Labuepé Navy|Navy]], and [[Labuepé Air Force|Air Force]]. The 2 other branches, which are reserve branches of the armed forces, are made up of the [[Labuepé National Guard|National Guard]], and [[Labuepé Coast Guard|Coast Guard]]. The Armed Forces have 751,615 active personnel, with the reserve branches holding 98,715 million personnel, bringing the total to 850,330 personnel.
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*3 March - 9 March, Jyahklatovalian Independence Day/[[Mesay Yared Amdé]] Day
== Military ==
Main Article: [[Labuepé Armed Forces]]
The Labuepé Armed Forces is lead by the Prime Minister, who also appoints the Commander General. The Commander General almost shares as much power as the Prime Minister, however, any major military action must be passed through parliament before being allowed to proceed.
The current Commander General is Ké.Kmdfb.Jys. [[David Bembowvowe Amhatariku|David B. Amhatariku]].
There are 4 branches of the armed forces which are used for active warfare, both offensive and defensive, while there are 2 branches that aren't used for active warfare. The 4 branches used for active warfare are made up of the [[Labuepé Army|Army]], [[Labuepé Marine Corps|Marine Corps]], [[Labuepé Navy|Navy]], and [[Labuepé Air Force|Air Force]]. The 2 other branches, which are reserve branches of the armed forces, are made up of the [[Labuepé National Guard|National Guard]], and [[Labuepé Coast Guard|Coast Guard]]. The Armed Forces have 751,615 active personnel, with the reserve branches holding 98,715 million personnel, bringing the total to 850,330 personnel.
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