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'''Labuepé''', officially the Democratic Republic of Labuepé (La Jahurdiki Demokratik de Labuepé) is a country located in southeastern Alvenia. It is bordered to the north by the MagisteriumCallid, to the south by Krovnik, and to the east by the Atrucian Ocean. It is a member of [[The Leftist Assembly]].
''Labuepé'' comes from a conjunction of the two Labuepé'ée words ''La'' and ''Buepé'' (lit. "The People").
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==== Labuepé'ée Revolution of 1586 ====
The, at this point, very large Labuepé’ée population, hadn’t felt like they belonged to Jyahklatovalia for a few decades, and this all added up to a revolt that would Happenhappen in 1586, which many were sympathetic, which helped their revolution. [[King Gaulle Muhrazaini I|Gaulle Muhrazaini]] would lead this revolution. The Jyahklatovalians didn’t have very many soldiers in the region, which made the revolution even easier. By 1589, they had captured so much land, that the Jyahklatovalians and Labuepé’ées would stop fighting eachother. Muhrazaini became the king of Labuepé and would live until the age of 87, dying in 1635. [[King Gaulle Muhrazaini II|Gaulle Muhrazaini II]], the second king, would form an alliance with Jyahklatovalia in 1637.
In 1702, [[King Gaulle Muhrazaini III|King Muhrazaini III]] would convert to [[Muhrazainism]], a very fast growing religion centred around Gaulle Muhrazaini I. During the late 17th and very early 18th century, Traditional Labuepé’ée Language and Culture would come back, as well as the Ahmaric and Latin Labuepé’ée writing systems being perfected, and Labuepé’ée soldiers were being trained to use [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musket muskets], which had been provided to them by the Jyahklatovalians.
=== Colonial Rule and Labuepé'ée Coup ===
In 1714, The very large [[Fabloales Empire]] would dominate every territory near Labuepé very quickly with very smart tactics, and would come for the Labuepé’ée just a year later. They would take their entire territory within just a few months, and King Muhrazaini III and his son, [[Crown Prince Gaulle Muhrazaini IV|Muhrazaini IV]], would be imprisoned for 3 years until being released to be normal citizens. After Labuepé’ée and all other surrounding territories were conquered in 1716, it would all be lead by [[General Lord Infante Hernathe of Fabloalish Labuepé|General Lord Infante Hernathe]] until 1720, when a coup lead by [[General Bembowvowe Litokqkobémwvéwvébé III]]. The coup had managed to kill Hernathe, but his position of power was quickly replaced by [[Lord George Danate]]. This didn’t stop them. Danate would be forced to flee from Labuepé in 1721. They would fight the Fabloalish Empire for 8 years, until 1729, when they had finally driven the Fabloales empire out of the region. Immediately after, a civil war would break out, which was the original Labuepé’ée and Jyahklatovalians against every other territory that had been invaded. It took 28 years for this civil war to end, which resulted in a victory for the Labuepé.
=== Late Modern Self Rule ===
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Main article: [[Parliament of Labuepé]]
The Parliament meets in the Labuepé Parlaomont Hudéseku, which is situated in the LabuepémijiLabuepé capital, Labuepémiji. It is comprised of 100 members, with seats distributed using more-open-list proportional representation. It is officially led by the Prime Minister. An election is held on the first day of Janurary each year to elect all 100 members.
The current [[103rd Parliament of Labuepé|103rd Parliament]] was elected at the [[2020 Labuepé general election|2020 general election]]. It is led by a coalition of the Green, Socialist, and Democratic parties. The current Prime Minister is Avektovoir Tewoldé, and the current Deputy Prime Minister is Yared Nebiyou.
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* 19 December, Independence Day
* 20 July, Muhrazaini Day/20th of July/Holy Labuepé Day
*3 March - 9 March, Jyahklatovalian Independence Day/[[Mesay Yared Amdé]] Day
== Military ==
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The Labuepé Armed Forces is lead by the Prime Minister, who also appoints the Commander General. The Commander General almost shares as much power as the Prime Minister, however, any major military action must be passed through parliament before being allowed to proceed.
The current Commander General is Kmdfb.Jys. [[Commander General David Bembowvowe Amhatariku|Kmdfb.Jys. David B. Amhatariku]].
There are 4 branches of the armed forces which are used for active warfare, both offensive and defensive, while there are 2 branches that aren't used for active warfare. The 4 branches used for active warfare are made up of the [[Labuepé Army|Army]], [[Labuepé Marine Corps|Marine Corps]], [[Labuepé Navy|Navy]], and [[Labuepé Air Force|Air Force]]. The 2 other branches, which are reserve branches of the armed forces, are made up of the [[Labuepé National Guard|National Guard]], and [[Labuepé Coast Guard|Coast Guard]]. The Armed Forces have 1.2 million751,615 active personnel, with the reserve branches holding 1.498,715 million personnel, bringing the total to 2.6850,330 millionpersonnel.
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|Marine Corps
|Air Force
|National Guard
|Coast Guard
Military conscription is voluntary.
The Labuepé'ée Armed Forces can be deployed at very fast speeds on targets that are within Alvenia, Tamura, and Perdona. Overseas territories are harder to deploy to, due to the limited naval options, and the armed forces have to mostly rely on the strong air force for overseas transport.{{Labuepé}}


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