March 2023 Secretarial election

The March 2023 Secretarial election was the twenty-eighth election to elect a Secretary in The Leftist Assembly, and the seventh separate election held solely for that position after the passage of the Splitting Elections legislative package by the 22nd General Assembly on 18 July 2021. Voting was held from 8 to 11 arch 2023.

March 2023 Secretarial election
Secretary election
← Dec. 2022 8-11 March 2023 Jun. 2023 →
TurnoutTBD%[1] Decrease TBD%
Nominee Ghillemear Kratosivak New Flamington
Popular vote 05 0 07
Nominee New Samon Podria Rhenna
Popular vote 2 13 03
Nominee Venusian Soviets
Popular vote 02

Secretary before election

New Flamington

Elected Secretary


Podria was elected with a majority on the 30 count, marking TBD.

Methodology edit

Voter eligibility edit

To be eligible to vote, a nation had to be an electoral citizen, which requires that individual to reside in The Leftist Assembly with their World Assembly nation (World Assembly citizen), or to have their World Assembly nation be registered in an affiliated anti-fascist military (Military Voting citizen) or an embassy region (Dual citizen).

Ballots edit

For the Secretarial election, instant runoff voting (IRV) was used, whereby voters rank the candidates in order of their preference. The primary vote of each candidate is then tallied, and the candidate with the least votes is eliminated and their votes preferentially distributed in a repeated process until one candidate achieves a majority. If there is only one candidate, they face a confidence vote instead.

The election committee consisted of founder Kavagrad, Speaker Dyl, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Super Awesome Fun Times.

Debates/interviews edit

Aside from regular debating on regional platforms, this special audio debate was held during this election:

  • Secretary debate with New Flamington, New Samon, Podria, Rhenna, and Venusian Soviets. Hosted by Dyl:
    To be uploaded

Endorsements edit

Only endorsements by nations who have previously served in an executive or legislative leadership position are recorded.

Candidate Endorsements
Podria Greylyn

Results edit


Notes edit

  1. Based on World Assembly population of TBD, recorded TBD March 2023 in the Minister of Recruitment's Population Tracker