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* "I believe an efficient Cabinet is one that is made up of Ministers with clearly defined duties within a specific area of regional life."
** [https://www.nationstates.net/page=rmb/postid=37098776 Criticising Secretary opponent Greylyn's proposal for a Minister of Domestic Affairs, 6 December 2019]
* "The enjoyment that we often derive from NationStates comes from the unexpected, and I'm sure that our ship will continue to weather the storm in times of tension and ride with the wind in our sails in times of prosperity."
** [https://www.nationstates.net/page=rmb/postid=37711144 State of the Assembly address, 24 February 2020]
* "The accusation that somehow I was out-of-line for trying to convey my stance on whether there should be an election nomination poll, of all things, strikes me as ludicrous."
** [https://www.nationstates.net/page=rmb/postid=38327655 Defending his decision to ask an MGA to cast a deciding vote for legislation on election nominations, 24 April 2020]
* "We are a region of many strong and passionate souls sharing our vision for a world of justice, fairness, and equity. The collective spirit we embody is an empowering force in an internet-based world full of hatred and division, and in fostering that we are creating something truly special."
** [https://www.nationstates.net/page=rmb/postid=38993304 State of the Assembly address, 31 May 2020]
* "An increasingly vocal minority has sought to belittle those with different perspectives and construct a narrative that their worldview is superior to others and the ultimate goal of any ‘good’ leftist. This is toxic, and each word to this effect slowly unravels the fragile fibre of our community."
** [https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1492697 Accusing certain citizens of sectarianism during resignation as head admin of the regional Discord server, 19 January 2021]