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Llorens effectively retired with the conclusion of their fourth term as Secretary on 14 June 2020, though he continues to serve as a co-founder alongside Cedoria and Kavagrad. InAs hishead retirementadministrator of the social Discord server, Llorenshe continuedwas involved in opposing proposed legislation by Secretary Greylyn and Vice Secretary Podria that sought to serveincrease asgovernment headcontrol administratorover ofit, including by making the region'sSecretary sociala Discordpermanent serveradministrator. untilHe heendorsed unexpectedlya resignedmotion of no-confidence in JanuaryPodria, 2021who duehad tospearheaded athe growingeffort, frustrationon with25 perceivedJuly, sectarianismwhich amongsteventually somesaw membersthe andVice otherSecretary administratorsresign before the vote's conclusion. HeLlorens alsocontinued servedto serve in severalthis leadershiprole capacitiesuntil forhis NationStatesunexpected Todayresignation untilin AprilJanuary 2021, whenreleased hein resigneda fromdispatch beingthat alldetailed buthis afrustration writerwith andwhat editorhe forperceived theas organisation,growing whichsectarianism hein hasthe publishedserver overamongst 80some individualmembers articlesand foradministrators.
He also served in several leadership capacities for NationStates Today until April 2021 when he resigned from being all but a writer and editor for the organisation, which he has published over 80 individual articles for. He has indicated that he will not serve in any other government capacity in the foreseeable future as he focuses more on real-life, but does not plan to depart from NationStates.
==Fun facts==