26th Supreme Court

The 26th Supreme Court was appointed by Secretary Podria and confirmed by electoral citizens in individual confidence votes, following the June 2022 Secretarial election. This consisted of three Standing Justices and one Alternate Justice over a three-month term from 19 June to 27 September 2022. The final members of the 26th Supreme Court were Chief Justice New Arkados, Minor Justices Asturies-Llion and Greylyn, and Alternate Justice Kongoland.

26th Supreme Court
25th 26th 27th
Chief JusticeNew Arkados
Start19 June 2022
End27 September 2022

Members edit

The Supreme Court confirmation vote concluded on 19 June 2022, and the three Standing Justices internally elected New Arkados to serve as Chief Justice on 28 June 2022.

Chief Justice
(int. elected)
New Arkados
28 June 2022-17 Oct 2022
19 June 2022-27 Sep 2022
Standing Justices (3)
19 June 2022-27 Sep 2022
New Arkados
19 June 2022-27 Sep 2022
Alternate Justice
19 June 2022-27 Sep 2022
Days into term

Confirmations edit

Initial edit

As two Secretarial election committee members were nominated for Cabinet positions, Ghillemear and Yong, they were replaced by Equalitopia and South Miruva in accordance with the Secretarial Appointment Act.[1] The confirmation vote election committee thus consisted of founder New Prague Workers Republic, Equalitopia, and South Miruva.

The following were the results of the confidence votes on Secretary Podria's initial appointees to the Supreme Court:

Position Appointee Result*
Standing Justice Asturies-Llion 24-0 (4)
Greylyn 25-0 (3)
New Arkados 25-1 (2)
Alternate Justice Kongoland 21-1 (6)

As a result, all four appointees were confirmed to their posts on 19 June.

Notes edit

  1. Ghillemear and Yong were nominated for Minister of Recruitment and Co-Minister of Community Affairs, respectively.