June 2020 general election

The June 2020 general election was the seventeenth general election in The Leftist Assembly and voting was held from 11 to 14 June 2020. The position of Secretary and seven seats in the General Assembly were available for election.

June 2020 general election
Mar. 2020 1-14 June 2020 Sep. 2020
Candidates — Secretary
Candidates — General Assembly
New Samon

Greylyn was elected as Secretary, and Antinios, Argentigrad, Dyl, New Samon, Nottinhaps, and Sincadenas were elected to the General Assembly.

Methodology edit

Voter eligibility edit

To be eligible to vote, a nation must be an electoral citizen, which requires that individual to reside in The Leftist Assembly with their World Assembly nation (World Assembly citizen), or to have their World Assembly nation be registered in an affiliated anti-fascist military (Military Voting citizen) or an allied NSLeft region (dual citizen).

Ballots edit

For the Secretary election, the single transferable voting (STV) system is used, whereby voters rank the candidates in order of their preference. The primary vote of each candidate is then tallied, and the candidate with the least votes is eliminated and their votes preferentially distributed in a repeated process until one candidate achieves a majority. If there is only one candidate, they face a confidence vote instead.

For the General Assembly election, the plurality-at-large voting system is used, whereby voters select up to seven candidates of their preference, equivalent to the available number of seats. The seven candidates that have received the most votes are elected. If there are seven or fewer candidates, they each face a confidence vote instead.

The election moderators were Kavagrad, Llorens, and Podria.

Endorsements edit

Only endorsements by nations who have previously served in an executive leadership position are recorded.

General Assembly edit

Candidate Endorsements
Antinios Kavagrad
Dyl Kavagrad
Nottinhaps Kavagrad

Opinion polling edit

Polls conducted for both contests in this election were framed as confidence vote questions. The value shown for each candidate reflects net approval, meaning approval minus disapproval.

Secretary edit

Poll source Date(s) administered Sample size Margin of error Results
YouLeft 7 Jun–10 Jun 2020 25 ±18.8% 84%

General Assembly edit

Poll source Date(s) administered Sample size Margin of error Results
Antinios Argentigrad Dyl New Samon Nottinhaps Sincadenas Talao
YouLeft 7 Jun–10 Jun 2020 25 ±18.8% 92% 92% 92% 84% 92% 100% 68%

Results edit

Secretary edit

The following were the results of this contest:

Greylyn confidence vote

As a result, Greylyn was elected as Secretary.

General Assembly edit

The following were the results of the individual confidence votes for each candidate:

Candidate Result
Antinios 41-5 (5)
Argentigrad 37-6 (8)
Dyl 39-4 (8)
New Samon 36-7 (8)
Nottinhaps 47-2 (2)
Sincadenas 41-5 (5)
Talao 20-22 (9)
Source: The Leftist Assembly

As a result, Antinios, Argentigrad, Dyl, New Samon, Nottinhaps, and Sincadenas were elected to the General Assembly, leaving one vacancy to be filled in an immediate by-election.