Burninati0n (roleplay): Difference between revisions

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The '''Burninite League''' or '''Burninite Confederacy''', sometimes referred to nationally as '''Burnination''', is a federation of three tribes: the Gayuca, Palene, and Puoteq. Each tribe retains some of its own character, but have functioned as a single political unit for 60 years, and are fairly well integrated with one another. The League has a population of around 7 million Burninites spread across 32,384 square miles, but mostly concentrated in three main cities.
The Gayuca are known for their propensity for constructing beautiful and durable structures, and sculpting the land into a hospitable and fruitful place. Their major city is Shanendoe.
The Puoteq are a seafaring folk known for their deft construction of boats and ships as well as their uncanny knowledge of how to encourage fish populations while also harvesting from them. Their major city is Ravaju.
The Palene are known for cerebral pursuits, producing wise sages and spiritual and worldly ideas discussed across the League. Their major city is the Haogh.
The Burninite League was formed in 1999 by agreement between the tribes to create a unified government. The political unity has been largely stable, and major internal conflicts have not arisen, mostly because the union brought economic benefits to all three tribes. Specifically, it has made more relaxed work pools achievable. Further details can be found in the economics sections of this page.
==Geography, Climate, and Environment==
==Economics and Society==
==Government and Politics==
===Political Parties===
===The Administrative Branch===
===The Legislative Branch===
===The Judicial Branch===
